
Strike a Pose

Brielle Avery RhuEmma Beal<3

Small Peek at Newborns

One Month Old Collage

Unimpressed with getting dressed
She's my number one babylove<3
So much personality! :D 
Dad's Little Cupcake
Getting ready for the beach

Brielle and Mommy<3

Brielle's Blessing 4/14/2013
Big Eyes Looking Out for Adventure
Post bath time photo shoot
My Perfect Little Newborn. <3
If you haven't noticed, she's my everything. 

Once Upon a Time...

A cutie patootie named Brielle was born. She was so stinkin' cute that her mom never got the chance to blog because she was too darn busy snuggling with that cutie patootie. ;) Whenever Brielle's mom did get the change to blog, she was too tired and decided to nap or read a book. Simple pleasures in life when you get 5 minutes to yourself.


Now that I do have a chance to blog, I'll quickly update you on some of the things that are up with us. 

Brielle had her baby blessing on Sunday. She was blessed by her daddy with many family and friends circling her around. She truly is one loved baby girl. I can't think of anyone who didn't want to love on her while she was at church. Brielle was dressed up in my blessing dress, and she looked beautiful! A little image of me when I was her age and size. It was short, sweet and to the point. Plus we were able to see Garret & Caisa and Mike & Julie! A reunion of the Merrill Hall Gang. :) 

She is currently 7 weeks and 2 days old today, and wearing three month clothes and size one diapers. My oh my how the time flies! She loves to watch the ceiling fan and dark shadows across the room. Brielle will giggle at me and has started to coo and babble a little bit more. Her smiles always put me in a better mood, no matter how much we struggled during the day. Bath time is one of her most favorite times of the day, especially if a baby lotion massage is given to her afterwards. Also, she is sleeping 5-6 hours during the night which makes for a happy dad and mom! 

My mom is currently watching her while I finish off my last week of work. Being away from Brielle has been extremely tough, and I don't want to miss out on anymore. I will miss the people I've grown to know and love over the past year and a few months. They have turned out to be some of the best family I could have ever asked for. 

I'm currently taking a break from school. Any questions? No...? Moving on. (Bit of a soft subject right now).

Miguel is finishing up his classes for the semester so we can spend the summer together. I mean, yes he'll be working a lot, but he won't want to miss out on all the fun outings I'll be taking with Brielle out in Virginia. 
...Virginia? Yes, Virginia! Miguel ended up getting a great job (hopefully) for the summer out in VA, and we couldn't be happier! It'll be nice to get out of the state for a while and see what's out there. I know we both want to eventually move back east, and this is a great opportunity for us to see what it's like out there. 

That's our life in the fast lane right now. We both finish work on Friday, finals for Miguel on the 2nd of May, he leaves on the 3rd and Brielle and I leave on the 14th of May. Woah. We have a lot to do to get ready! 

Wish us luck, and any tips or advice on moving. :) 
We're sure going to need it!