
Oh Oh We're Half Way There!

Thank you, Bon Jovi (who is actually on Pandora but an entirely different song), for giving our family an inside joke. 

Yes, ladies and gents, I'm half way there! 19w5d. Alright, not quite 20 weeks, but close enough.
Friday will be the mark for week 20, which is super exciting. 

Brielle Avery is looking great! We had her 20 week anatomy scan today. It was so much fun. 
The Ultra Sound Tech loved her beautiful little heart and her cute little bum. :) 
Everything else looks perfect on her as well! She is measuring a day later than our original date (ED would now be 3/3/12), but that's no big deal. 

I'm doing great too! Thanks for worrying about me... 
I actually haven't gained any weight from my last appointment (Upchucking queued), but Dr. L doesn't really mind since Brielle is looking healthy and happy!

I'm so in love with this little girl. She really is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me, minus Miguel of course. 
I really can't wait to see how the rest of this pregnancy goes. It's been a great one (knock on wood), and I have little to nothing to complain about! 

Okay, since you've seen enough bumpage, especially if you follow me on Instagram, I thought I'd share a few pictures of Brielle's 20w photo shoot! 



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