I'm such a slacker, the handful of readers that I have.
I don't have much to say... except we have 9 weeks left tomorrow!
Holy Stripes, Batman! I can't believe it.
I did have a doctor appointment on Thursday...yesterday...and we are looking fabulous! (Yes you just read that with a sing song voice. Shhh. I won't tell).
She's measuring right on schedule, about 3 pounds and a strong heart beat too!
It also looks like I've been experiencing some contractions, Braxton Hicks, but didn't know it. Whenever Brielle would push her little foot or hand up against the top of my belly, I would just rub it out. I thought maybe she just wanted a baby massage. ;) Thankfully they haven't hurt, just a little tight and uncomfortable. But hey, that's pregnancy for you!
On another note, we spent Christmas in Oregon. It was nice, except, I wasn't a fan of the rain on Christmas. I mean, what the spinach! It's supposed to SNOW on Christmas. Oh well, I guess that's what happens when you visit or live in the NorthWest.
Both of us are just happy to not have to go to school. I won't lie, it's going to be tough going back on the 7th, but we can do this. We as in Brielle and me. ;) Once I hit the school mark, I'll have 10 weeks of school left, but only 8 weeks of being preggers. You figure that one out and let me know how I'm going to accomplish that one. Greatly appreciated.
We have a lot going on in January, so I'll be sure to keep you posted on what's going on. I promise. Pinky promise.
...64 days left...