
Predictions :)

My Purple Team Mommas decided it would be fun to start predicting when our babies are going to be born, since most of us are in the third trimester (hallelujah) or just about there. 

It's been a lot of fun to see the guesses that each of them has made about their sweet precious babies. 

Well, to add the fun, I wanted to see what Miguel's prediction would about Brielle, and this is what he had to say:

"She'll be born on March 3rd at 2am. She'll have very little hair, and it will be dark. Blue eyes. Coming in at 7lb 8oz and stretching out to be 20 inches."

My guess is as such:

"Born March 5th in the evening time between 9-11:45pm, weighing in at 7lb 5oz, lots of dark hair, blue eyes and being around 18'' long."

Just a little extra info:
  • My Due Date is March 2nd
  • Miguel was late, while I was about on time
  • We were both born around or on 11:45pm :)
  • Miguel was about a little over 7lbs while I was in the 6lb range
  • I'm not sure how long each of us were though. :(
  • I had a lot of toe blonde hair, and Miguel had barely any hair at all.

So, now it's your turn! If you want, go ahead and make a guess about Brielle's birthdate.

I'll keep track of everyone's guesses, if you decide to guess, and we'll see who comes closes to the actual results!



  1. Miguel was 7'9" and 21" long.

    I'm guessing Feb 27, just so you don't have to go over the due date but if you do not mind going over then I'll say March 7 :)

  2. I'm guessing Brielle will come on March 5 before noon. ;)
