Basics to know:
I'm a blondie again. <3
Making short hair and pregnancy look good. :) |
I'd like to have my hair look like this again. :) |
I think I'll stay this way for quite sometime. Just in case Brielle comes out with blonde hair, I want people to know that she's mine. And, apparently I look ten years older with my brown hair. No joke, I get asked at least once a week how many children I have when people see my belly. I'm only 21, not 31. Hopefully the blonde will tone down the age factor when people are trying to guess how old I am. I recently was told I looked 25. That was today actually. Kudos to me...?
I'm still pregnant.
This was on Wednesday. 36 weeks and 4 days pregnant. <3 |
I'm still 2cm dilated and 80% effaced. 3 weeks now. Sigh. She's still a cookin' that's for sure. I think she's getting a little too squished though. Hopefully, she'll want to play with us this next week. I'd totally be okay with that since I had a back labor pains all night long, like a Lionel Richie song.
The doctor also told me that I if I go to my 40 weeks, I should expect a high 7 to a low 8 pound baby. o.0 I mean, come on. I wasn't that big, and I don't think Miguel was either. That just means she'll hopefully sleep through the night better. So I've been told.
I'm considered "full term" as of tomorrow.
That's right Brielle. You have 21 days to pack up your goodies and exit the womb. |
Technically, she can debut anytime after tomorrow, and my wonderful OB won't try and stop her! Bahahaha. Bring on the pineapple or the acupressure.
She won't come out until she's ready, but a little wishful thinking never hurt any pregnant woman... :)
Thank goodness my hospital bag is packed! Thanks to some wonderful girlfriends who make sure I'm blog savvy.
I'm secretly a pregnancy model.
Hahaha. Nah, just kidding. I just want to see if you were still reading my post. :)
And this happened...
And this happened...
Thor Hedgehog and More! |
I think that's it... If not, I'll post more.
Oh, and I have dinner shower tonight with some of the best classmates in the entire world! Shout out to my UCMT EM0312! <3
She better come out soon! I need some new baby snuggles!