
...No Excuse...

I'm such a slacker, the handful of readers that I have. 

I don't have much to say... except we have 9 weeks left tomorrow! 

Holy Stripes, Batman! I can't believe it. 

I did have a doctor appointment on Thursday...yesterday...and we are looking fabulous! (Yes you just read that with a sing song voice. Shhh. I won't tell).

She's measuring right on schedule, about 3 pounds and a strong heart beat too! 
It also looks like I've been experiencing some contractions, Braxton Hicks, but didn't know it. Whenever Brielle would push her little foot or hand up against the top of my belly, I would just rub it out. I thought maybe she just wanted a baby massage. ;) Thankfully they haven't hurt, just a little tight and uncomfortable. But hey, that's pregnancy for you!

On another note, we spent Christmas in Oregon. It was nice, except, I wasn't a fan of the rain on Christmas. I mean, what the spinach! It's supposed to SNOW on Christmas. Oh well, I guess that's what happens when you visit or live in the NorthWest. 

Both of us are just happy to not have to go to school. I won't lie, it's going to be tough going back on the 7th, but we can do this. We as in Brielle and me. ;) Once I hit the school mark, I'll have 10 weeks of school left, but only 8 weeks of being preggers. You figure that one out and let me know how I'm going to accomplish that one. Greatly appreciated. 

We have a lot going on in January, so I'll be sure to keep you posted on what's going on. I promise. Pinky promise. 


...64 days left... 



Cereal, Bump, Finals

Seriously, my heaven right now. Mainly the only thing I crave at the moment!
(Luis, we may need to make a trip to the store the night we get in! ;])

28&4, my friends! 80 days left! :D 

I can do this... 
Acupressure Written Final: 100%
Acupressure Hands On Final: 100%
Pathology Final: TBD (TONIGHT!)
Trigger Point Therapy Written Final: Tomorrow
Trigger Point Therapy Hands On Final: Tomorrow

Whew. I need a break!

Oh, and Yay! for Christmas Bonuses! :D 


Predictions :)

My Purple Team Mommas decided it would be fun to start predicting when our babies are going to be born, since most of us are in the third trimester (hallelujah) or just about there. 

It's been a lot of fun to see the guesses that each of them has made about their sweet precious babies. 

Well, to add the fun, I wanted to see what Miguel's prediction would about Brielle, and this is what he had to say:

"She'll be born on March 3rd at 2am. She'll have very little hair, and it will be dark. Blue eyes. Coming in at 7lb 8oz and stretching out to be 20 inches."

My guess is as such:

"Born March 5th in the evening time between 9-11:45pm, weighing in at 7lb 5oz, lots of dark hair, blue eyes and being around 18'' long."

Just a little extra info:
  • My Due Date is March 2nd
  • Miguel was late, while I was about on time
  • We were both born around or on 11:45pm :)
  • Miguel was about a little over 7lbs while I was in the 6lb range
  • I'm not sure how long each of us were though. :(
  • I had a lot of toe blonde hair, and Miguel had barely any hair at all.

So, now it's your turn! If you want, go ahead and make a guess about Brielle's birthdate.

I'll keep track of everyone's guesses, if you decide to guess, and we'll see who comes closes to the actual results!



Stumbled Across Today

One of the ladies in my Purple Team Facebook Group posted that she had Googled her little girl's name, Everleigh, and I was curious as to what I would come across with "Brielle."

My favorites include:

  • Meaning: "God is My Might"
  • Clothing Item: Maggie Sottero Wedding Dress (wedding items must run in the family... Check it out! "Ambria")
  • Quite Possibly My Favorite: 

Who knew she'd have a song already? 
Kind of catchy. I guess I have the singer of Owl City to thank for this. 

Thank Google for these wonderful finds. 

What do you come up with when you Google your name? I know you've all done it at least once... :)
If not, I say do it! 

You'll never know what you come up with... 

(Wookiepedia was found by Googling "Ambria." Just saying.) 



Little Miss "B"

Yep, Little Miss Brielle Avery Ryann Beal. 

You may call her Brielle, Avery, Brielle Avery, Elle, Ellie, PeaPod, "B," etc. 

Over 6 Months =
26w2d = 
96 days to go


I wonder what you'll be like...

Your little personality already shows. 


Tease Your Daddy
Comfort Your Mommy
Dance Around (Or At Least I Think You Do)
Kick Your Mommy To Tell Her You're Happy
Show Off Your "Womb"


March 2nd, 2013

"A mother's treasure is her daughter" - Anon

 "A baby girl...one of the most beautiful miracles in life, one of the greatest joys we can ever know, and one of the reasons why there is a little extra sunshine, laughter and happiness in your world today." Author Unknown 

"Certain is it that there is no kind of affection so purely angelic as of a father to a daughter. In love to our wives there is desire; to our sons, ambition; but to our daughters there is something which there are no words to express." - Joseph Addison


You are loved more than you will ever know, Little Miss B.

My Own Look Book

Ever Wonder What I Look At During The Day... 

Cardigan + Wine Color + Lace = Love

Mint Bags = <3
Classy Skirts + Lace + Mint = Must Have

Gold + Monograms + Accessories = Elephant Obsession
Lovely + Classic + Lace = Wishes

Now You Know :)

(Even Pregnant Girls Can Still Look Classy)



As promised, Happy Belated Bump Day!

Sometimes I like to dress my baby girl bump up, and sometimes she looks best in a classic black.

She's a great baby, and March can't come soon enough.


Joy in My Heart

Life, lately, has thrown me a few curve balls that I've been so keen to hit out of the park, but continually strike out. Time and time again I stand ready to face whatever the world is willing to throw my way: Chinese Throwing Stars, Lemons and if I'm lucky, Cookie Dough. Chinese Throwing Stars have started to fill my wall up, and I swear I smell a little more citrus everywhere I go.

Sometimes all I need, like any other person, is a little human intimacy. Not what you're probably thinking though. Maybe intimacy isn't the right word to use...compassion. There, that's it. I crave human compassion, but I do not throw my feelings to the wolves hoping for someone to save me. My silent cries for interaction are apparent, but most times overlooked. Attention seeking, verbally, has never been my way of working, unless it's toward Miguel. He needs all the hints he can get. ;)

Yesterday, I made up my mind to put my life back on track. On track with my happiness. True happiness has been locked up and rarely seeks me out. A whole new mind wardrobe is what I needed, craved. Time to put my clunky sweaters and baggy jeans away and pull out those summer dresses, scarves, cute shoes and accessories.

A wise friend of mine told me "It's just as easy to put on an cute outfit as it is to put on an ugly on. You always feel better when you look your best." I'm trying to apply this not only to my outward appearance, but to my outlook on life. (Thank you, Sara Blue Star).

With that said, fellow bloggers who may have happened to glance this far down the post, if you see someone who is in desperate need of human intimacy/compassion, don't hesitate to fill their glass with hope. I'm sure not only will they appreciate, you will as well. We all need a little support system everywhere we go. You never know, you could help change an outlook on life.

My affirmation for when my heart is heavy: "I choose love, joy and freedom, open my heart and allow wonderful things to flow into my life."
If you don't know how these work, wake up every morning and say this, confidently, until you believe every single word. Continue to do so, everyday, until your heart is not heavy and your mind wardrobe is full of clothes that make you feel your best.


The Weather Was Just Right

It really was today. I was quite pleased that I could wear my pink pants and short sleeve shirt outside with no qualms about the slight breeze blowing the leaves that had fallen to the ground around. 

So, I had this Acupressure session yesterday balancing out my "Fire" element. 
We worked the heart and the small intestines chakras, and I feel more at peace with the world around me. 
Acupressure is my first real energy class, and I am so in love with it. It's been a blessing in disguise. 
I feel balanced, and I understand more about me with each class. 
Bam. More energy classes, please?

And, the moment you've all be waiting for... 

(Don't make fun of the face. It was early this morning. Notice that I'm still in pre preggo pants. Yesss!)

Happy Bump Day! 
16w3days left. 

Where did the time go??

March 2nd is going to be here faster than I can even imagine. 

My doctor appointment went fabulous today! 
Great blood pressure, gained 8lbs (not a whole lot since I didn't gain anything for 2 months...) and I'm healthy. 
Brielle's home for the time being is measuring 24w, which means she has a little bit more room to move around. I do feel huge sometimes though. But, nothing to complain about...yet. 
She kept kicking the Doppler today when the RN was searching for her strong little heartbeat! 151 bmp. 

She's a character of a baby, and I sure do love her, a lot. 

Until next time... 


It Might Just be the Weather

Ups, Downs and All Arounds. That's how I've felt the last little while. Sometimes I can't even go a day without breaking down in tears. Granted, they might be good tears. Depends on the day. 

I will have to say that it really hit me today about how much I love this little girl of mine. Whenever my day feels cruddy, I have a little companion to give me a kick to keep me going. Those kicks are the best part of my day. Ever since my placenta has repositioned Brielle has been kicking up a storm, or so what I think is a storm for this stage. 

Honestly, I'm a bit of a bawl baby when it comes to my pea pod. She really is, besides Miguel, the best thing that has come into my life. Even though I won't be able to hold her in my arms until March, I don't know what I would do without her. She's my wake up buddy, my "let's drink Dr. Pepper because I want to feel you kick" buddy, my walking buddy and my work buddy. I never thought I would like to have someone with me at all times, especially someone who responds to the sound of my voice when I talk to her. 


I love her more than I ever thought I could imagine. The greatest part about it though, is I get to love her more each and every day. 

I wouldn't change this for anything.

I love you, Brielle Avery Ryann Beal. 

Also, I missed bump day!
21w5d, yesterday.

I can't see my toes, and I still look hot! 
Even with that ridiculous facial expression...



Lately I've been thinking about all of the things that I've accomplished in my life. 

From the important, but in no particular order:

Graduating High School
Going to College
Participating in Musicals
Holding down a full time job while going to school
Pursing A dream job
Marrying the man of my dreams
Finally being a soon-to-be mommy

To the what seems less important:

Getting 7 hours of sleep each night
Keeping long lasting friendships
Maintaining a healthy weight
Overcoming emotional issues
Eating that Pumpkin Shake from Arctic Circle
Travel to more places outside of Utah

All of these things are so important to me, even the small mundane accomplishments. 
Granted, there are more, but those are the ones that come to mind at the moment. 

Now, I can't help but think that with being 20 weeks pregnant with my sweet little girl, I'll have more milestones that I'm going to go experience in the next 4 months; more moments to share with the people closest to me.

Some of them scare me, a lot. Others, not quite so much. Some of these milestones I've been waiting for and can't imagine them not happening. 

So, here's to a grand new adventure: My last 20 weeks of school, clinic and pregnancy. 



Oh Oh We're Half Way There!

Thank you, Bon Jovi (who is actually on Pandora but an entirely different song), for giving our family an inside joke. 

Yes, ladies and gents, I'm half way there! 19w5d. Alright, not quite 20 weeks, but close enough.
Friday will be the mark for week 20, which is super exciting. 

Brielle Avery is looking great! We had her 20 week anatomy scan today. It was so much fun. 
The Ultra Sound Tech loved her beautiful little heart and her cute little bum. :) 
Everything else looks perfect on her as well! She is measuring a day later than our original date (ED would now be 3/3/12), but that's no big deal. 

I'm doing great too! Thanks for worrying about me... 
I actually haven't gained any weight from my last appointment (Upchucking queued), but Dr. L doesn't really mind since Brielle is looking healthy and happy!

I'm so in love with this little girl. She really is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me, minus Miguel of course. 
I really can't wait to see how the rest of this pregnancy goes. It's been a great one (knock on wood), and I have little to nothing to complain about! 

Okay, since you've seen enough bumpage, especially if you follow me on Instagram, I thought I'd share a few pictures of Brielle's 20w photo shoot! 





Bloggers, I apologize for my lack of posting. I've been overly stressed, emotional and quite tired.

Alas, that is no excuse for not finding sometime to blog, or something to blog about.

While this shouldn't be considered a post, it will have to do until this weekend...after clinic. Yep, we have a lot to catch up on, don't we?

For now, enjoy this photo. I know I needed it, and will use it until this week is over with.


Our Team

Football Season. It's upon us my fellow bloggers, and I couldn't be more excited! 

I grew up in a home with a mother who is NOT a sports fan, at all. She likes to watch certain sports like golf*, karate and dance. *(Not sure if this is a real sport. :P) But when it comes to football, she is not a fan. I was taught that football was a lame sport, and the people who played this particular sport are paid too much money. I won't disagree with the last part, but it isn't a lame sport at all! 

This thanks goes straight to my diehard 49ers fan Nana of mine. She taught me all that I need to know about football: yell at the T.V., read the coaches lips, cheer loudly and always always always cheer for the 49ers. She started me out a valuable age too. If she would have started me out really young, I may have never found enjoyment in watching the game, and if I was too set in my ways, well you know what happens then. Yep, I learned from the best.

Miguel enjoys watching football, and neither of us have a "team." We do root for our Aggies when they play, no matter who they play. Except for this last game they played against UofU. I was bleeding red, and Miguel bled blue. He did win that bet too. Good thing we didn't be anything too big... Oh, and when it comes to anyone playing against BYU, we root for them. So, GO UTES!

Actually my real reason for posting this was to shout out the one team we do root for right now. 

So, any suggestions on a girl name that starts with R? ;)


Thank You Marshall and Lily!

This morning: 

What I hope I get to listen to when I get home tonight: 


Except, I'm not 32, I'm 21! 

Oh, and this:

Yes, yes! I am ashamed of myself for not being the first to post on you wall for your birthday. There are no excuses. At least not ones that would be acceptable. I hope you can forgive my error. I did give you BIRTH(as Sierra puts it).

Love you sweetie. The Big 21! WOW! We made it. Just the two of us. Ok and a few other important players. I am so grateful God entrusted me with your sweet soul and that I have done a pretty damn good job dragging you up in life. Like I said this past weekend, you are my greatest achievement! I love you sooo very much. You have blessed me in so many wonderful ways and will continue to bless my life. Thanks for being you (and not anyone else). I am excited to have watched you grow and progress into a beautiful woman, daughter, friend and above all child of God. I love you farts and all. Hahaha. Have a very beautiful, exciting, Sober day!

Love your MOM:) okay now I have to go dry all those tears I have been shedding:)
-Love my Mom. ;) 


Amy Would Be So Jealous

That's right, Amy. You're so jealous of this picture... 

Am I right? Not only does he have your batman pants, but now a Snuggie?! :)

This was a fantastic birthday gift from the family to a little boy who loves Batman with all of his heart. 



Another Peek

For the past little while I've been trying to figure out Who I Am, and with some success I think I've come the to conclusion of who it is I really am. 

(Big thanks to Lexi for you brilliant post and her friends for this wonderful idea!)

1. Student of Massage Therapy 

I currently attend night school at the Salt Lake Campus of UCMT, and I can't believe I wanted to do anything else with my life before this life changing experience. 
Sure, I get a lot snubbing for wanting to be a "massage therapist," but people don't educate their minds on what LMTs really do! We're about healing body, mind and spirit. Goodness, we're even considered to be a part of the health care field now. 
If you haven't received a massage before, go ahead and give it a try. Once and you'll be hooked. 
(I know I'm a big baby after going a week without a full body Swedish/Deep Tissue!)
Thankfully, I'm half way through my program (commence Bon Jovi Half Way There! song)!

2. Fulltime Employee at...

It may not look like much, but it's a pretty sweet company to work for. 
I'm an 8:30-5:00pm Monday through Friday kind of a gal for this company. 
Essentially it's a credential company for companies who employee health care related employees. 
Simple enough, right? Sounds about right. 
I spend 8 hours a day with excel, pandora and snacks at my all inclusive half of a cubicle. 
Honestly, I take data from a pdf or excel file and kind of geek out a little bit with my new found excel tricks while putting said data into a file that can be uploaded to our very cool system for another part of the company to use. 
Plus I get amazing health insurance. Can't go wrong with a company that gives out great insurance and pays over minimum wage by quite a bit. 

3. Wife

I met Miguel my freshman year up at USU while living in the dorms. I instantly fell in love with him, but only as a best friend since I was dating someone else. The "other" was short lived, and Miguel became my "boyfriend" for 2 months before he dropped down on one knee (for the second time). That was when he took "fiance" status. August 12th, 2011 my Facebook status changed from Engage to Miguel Beal to Married to Miguel Beal
He's steals my heart every day, and I'm completely lucky to have a guy like him, farts and all. ;) 

4. Daughter

This woman is my hero. I wouldn't be the person I am today without my mom. She loves me no matter what I've decided to do with my life. She gave up everything to be my mom, and I only hope that I can be that kind of mom for my little ones. 
And even though I'm married, I still talk to my mom all the time. Besides Miguel, this woman helps keep me at a happy balance with my life. 

5. Sibling of Many, Friend to Few

I would post a few photos of my siblings, but really, my friends are mostly included into this category of siblings. 
I took some advice just this past week and went through my FB friends. As I scrolled through the many people (742..ish), I realized I didn't really have that many "friends." Sure, I had a lot of "FB" worthy friends, but not the kind I would call on a regular basis to check up on. The delete key received all the exercise it needed that day. 
You know, what I feel really good about it too. 
I can say that with my friends that I do have, the ones I really care about and who care about me back, I'm proud to be their friend and sibling. :) 

6. Eclectic Paper Hoarder

It's really not that bad, but if you really know me and my personality, I save:
It's a bad habit, but I've contained most of it to a few shoe boxes. 
The simple papers hold a lot of memories, the kind I don't want to lose. It's like a high school yearbook. We keep them because of the notes everyone leaves us in this $40-$50 book that we deem is a necessity. It isn't the book that is needed, it's the words permanently scribed that bring a satisfaction of hope, love and needing. 


7. A Mom

Yep. I'm a mom. Most people know that I was pregnant in December of 2011 through February 2011, but many do not know that I miscarried my first precious little one. I was so ecstatic to be a mom when I found out Christmas Day. I knew this was what I wanted to do with my life. I had just quit school and was staying home to save money because we were super poor at the time. I needed something to fulfill me as a person.
As you can tell from the dates I wasn't a mom for very long. 11 weeks 2 days to be exact.
My whole world fell apart when I found out my sweet jelly bean was no longer going to be joining our family in this life.
It took quite sometime before I was okay with other pregnant women, especially those at work and my cousin. 
My first baby was due August 26th, 2011. Miguel and I believe that it was a little boy. 

A few short months later, I have the opportunity to be a Mom all over again. Coming in at 14 weeks 3 days, I have in my belly a healthy little pea pod, and I couldn't be more excited. 
I know that this is the right time for my mommy skills to come into play because we are financially able to take care of this baby, our relationship as a husband and wife is very strong and I'm mentally ready (hahaha) for this pea pod. 

I'll keep you updated on the up and ups with this pea pod. It's going to be a very fun "bumpy" ride. ;) 

There's a lot more to me than these 7 things, but these are the core foundation of who I am today. 
I'm sure I could go on and on about who I am, what I like, etc, but I don't have time for that. I'm off the Aquarium with my family to celebrate my birthday! 

Toodles! :)


For The Record...

I changed my hair color again! :)
It's a fall thing... I think?

Eh, it's therapeutic for me to do crazy things with my hair. I'd rather pay $60 ish for a therapy session that includes a beauty makeover instead of upwards of a $150 for a talking session.

But... I love it. M loves is. Pea Pod may have this hair color. Who knows... :)


Keeping Busy

It's true my fellow blog reader(s). I'm keeping busy in this life of mine. It hasn't been too bad lately. I mean I'm not doing too much... am I?

You've probably read before that I work M-F 8:30-5pm and then have school M-TR from 7-10:30pm. 
The job is really laid back. I sit at desk with two, yep count them one two, computer screens and extract data from reliable sources, such as a license roster pdf or even an excel xls sheet, and then I sort it out into a blank csv file on excel. It's pretty simple, and my excel skills have greatly improved. I'm like a mast of excel now. Minus writing macros... *Note to self: LEARN HOW TO WRITE MACROS! 

Anyways, it's a fairly simple task, physically. Mentally? Well, that's a different story. It does get monotonous, and I tend to fall asleep. Woops. No I don't. Psssh. I don't fall asleep, maybe nod off, but never fall asleep. I can't do that when one of my coworkers, bless her heart, blows her nose like an elephant in the middle of the office. *slight shudder, nobody saw that* Thank goodness for Pandora!

Actually, I'm slightly sick of Pandora. Okay the free version in all honesty. When I'm already blessed up top, if you know what I mean, I don't really want to listen to a comercial tell me that all I need to do to have confidence is have bigger boobs. For real. I'm good. Give me something else to buy. And, give me more Rob Thomas to listen to. Thanks. :) 

On another note...
Once a upon a time a boy name Miguel gave a girl named Ambria a ring and they were married. As time went by, their love...gushy.mushy.la.la.la. pffft. Sorry. Back to the story. 

Actually, it's just easier to say it: I'm pregnant. Again. 4 months after the miscarriage we found out we're being blessed with a wee one. 
I wouldn't have posted about it if I wasn't out of the first trimester. :) Yep, everything is going so well this go around. I can't believe it. Honestly, when I looked at all 3 pee sticks Miguel made me take, I just couldn't grasp that I was pregnant again. I was terrified. Excited, of course, more terrified of the situation. I didn't want to miscarry again. There is no way I could handle another one in the same year, 4-6 months after the first one. It would have broken my heart. 

Well, we found out on June 20th that we are expecting and then proceeded from there. Our first appointment was July 13th (Friday the 13th!). It included an ultra sound where we found our pea pod looking super healthy and only a little over 6 inches long. Yay!
Oh it gets better. 
Our second appointment wasn't too long ago, just on the 15th of August. That's when we met our actual OB, Kathy Langer, and we heard the heart beat. It was the most exciting exhilarating moment in my life. Okay, one of the most exciting exhilarating moments in my life. And, the baby was measuring 12 inches before 12 weeks. 

I'm on my way to week 13th this Friday, and I couldn't be happier. Okay, I could do without the vomiting, dizziness, fatigue and lack of sleep, but I'm happy! 



Going On A Jet Plane

Well, it's more like a commercial airplane, but you get the idea.

Tomorrow at 9:10 I will be leaving my home to adventure to my in-laws' home in the great green state of Oregon!

(It's only fitting that Jet Airliner by The Steve Miller Band has currently come on my Pandora playlist. Go Classic Rock!)

For this trip we have quite a bit planned. I finally get to meet my big brother-in-law, Logan, who has been missing the entire time M and I have been dating/engaged/married/cuffed/ballandchained. Mae found Logan at the airport after 2 years of preaching and teaching in the land of Mozambique.

Family pictures will also happen, along with a big open house. Woot.
Best part about the whole thing will be the food. Mae makes the best food. I looooove eating at her house. Oh, and Pai's Oreos. If he's willing to share 1 or maybe 5. Hey, I don't have to run it off. I'm saving my curvy curves for a better purpose. A purpose I will talk about after I return from the great green state of Oregon.

A long reprieve from work and school. Hallelujah!

This is exactly what I've needed. :)


Pioneer Day Work

Somedays when M has the day off, he'll buy my lunch and surprise me with flowers. All because I had to work when he had the day off. Sure he bought himself a new bike today and more camping get for this weekend(!), but I'm one lucky girl.
I sure do love that silly hubby of mine!



My long hair.
Yep, I just said it. I miss my long locks of blonde flowing thick hair. I miss being able to actually do it, and look cute.
I don't miss the baggage that was in my hair. All the old memories, the pains and some of the laughter. I needed a new start, and that's what I got. The new me feel better about being me, especially now that I'm going through some rough, and exciting, changes.
Here's to fast hair growth, and prenatal pills (once I can stomach them).


Thursdays Need to End

Of all the days of the week, I despise Thursday the most. Most people would say that Monday is the most rotten day of the week, but in all honesty, Thursday makes me sick. Not just in a mental way, but a physical way as well. 

You may think I'm joking about Thursday being a terrible day, but I'm not. You see, Monday maybe a dreaded day to go back to living that "realistic" lifestyle that everyone has to eventually get used to, but at least you have something to talk about when you get back to work/school. The weekend can be the highlight of your Monday by describing all the wonderful, or lame, depending on how you decide to spend your weekends (Me? Sleep, sleep, sleep and more sleep. I'll go into more details later about sleep) events you so lavishly partook in. 

Tuesday isn't a bad day. It's the "Okay, I survived my Monday, which isn't that bad of a day, and tomorrow, being Wednesday, is the middle of the week. I can do this" day. You have time to actually be productive, especially when you're at work. And, you still can talk about the weekend, or the latest office/school gossip. Alright, maybe not the "gossip"but the "happenings." Don't want the bosses to figure out that you're quietly talking about the smelly cubicle partner over chat with a few select coworkers. All my Tuesday funs would be ruined if they did. 

Wednesday, possibly my favorite day of the work week, besides Friday of course. I find that Wednesdays are full of promises. Promises that you can make through the week, that your smelly neighbor or the person who has a terrible sense of fashion, can do something about it. They may have even surprised you with better hygiene, who knows. Anything can happen on Wednesday. Plus, your work week is almost complete. Well, half way over, which is good enough for me. 

Thursdays. We'll skip them for now...

Fridays. Sigh. The day everyone looks forward to every Sunday night and Monday morning. This is the day you can really loosen your tie and wear casual clothing to work. You don't have to worry about your performance, because everyone else is slacking. One or two occasional people may have "called in sick" or purposefully took a long weekend. The office is a tad louder than usual, and the atmosphere almost makes you want to get that overtime at work for the week. Almost. 
People gather around to talk about weekend plans, make jokes or just shoot the breeze. Your work load tends to seem lighter on a Friday, and anything that can be pushed to Monday, will be pushed to Monday. Fridays are a heaven sent in the working world. I don't know how I could live without them. 

Saturdays and Sundays are pretty much self explanatory. I don't think I need to divulge in what it is that everyone does with their free time away from their musty cubicle, so I won't. I'll leave that up to your imagination.

Back to Thursday. Thursday has no place. It's not the middle of the week, the beginning or the end. I mean, Tuesday has a better placement than Thursday. You survived all week long to stumble upon Thursday. A day where silence lurks in every corner of the office; where the clicking of keyboard keys drives any sane person up the wall. No amount of coffee can keep you awake on a Thursday. It mocks every sense of the weekend by sadistically taunting you that you haven't reached the weekend yet. You have to endure this painful day with a smile on your face, because if not, all will be lost. You slack on a Thursday, your Friday becomes the worst day of the week with projects, numbers, phone calls, etc; things that could have gotten done during the week, but Thursday had to take your optimistic views on life. 

I'm telling you, Thursday is the most terrible day of the week. I could do without Thursdays. My week wouldn't be ruined if Thursdays happened to decide to take a break from torturing me. Life would be, almost, perfect. 


Late Mornings and Strawberries

After a busy week full of work and school, I'm so glad it's Saturday. I believe I deserved to sleep in until 12:30pm. I usually wake up between 6:30 and 7:30am every day to go to work. 6:30 if I want to get ready; 7:30 if I'm okay wearing a tee shirt and jeans. The latter is my best friend. 

So, waking up to a car blaring its horn isn't the ideal way to wake up, but it has to happen someway or another. Of course, M is playing on his computer when I walked out into the living space designated for gaming. Playing games is M's favorite thing to do. Honestly that boy could go days without eating or sleeping just to play a video game. Okay, maybe that was a little too over dramatic, but you get the point. I giggled a little bit to when I found out what game he was playing (and is still playing). We had stayed up till 1:30 last night playing this particular game. Another reason I'm glad it's Saturday. 

Most mornings I don't have time to eat breakfast, unless it's in the car, and that's a very rare occurrence. I had made up my mind that I wanted strawberries for my extremely late brunch. Now, we didn't have any food in our house, okay edible, easy, on-the-go food, before yesterday. WinCo is my new favorite place to shop for food. Four things of morangos for extra cheap. Lovin' it like a cat loves its cat nip. Just add some sugar and cream cheese and it's a perfect breakfast. 

The rest of the day will consist of cleaning the little apartment, a wonderful date (which I have NO idea what we are doing), and well needed reunion with one of my best friends in the entire world, Shaundi-Loo. 

Toodles for now.