
It Might Just be the Weather

Ups, Downs and All Arounds. That's how I've felt the last little while. Sometimes I can't even go a day without breaking down in tears. Granted, they might be good tears. Depends on the day. 

I will have to say that it really hit me today about how much I love this little girl of mine. Whenever my day feels cruddy, I have a little companion to give me a kick to keep me going. Those kicks are the best part of my day. Ever since my placenta has repositioned Brielle has been kicking up a storm, or so what I think is a storm for this stage. 

Honestly, I'm a bit of a bawl baby when it comes to my pea pod. She really is, besides Miguel, the best thing that has come into my life. Even though I won't be able to hold her in my arms until March, I don't know what I would do without her. She's my wake up buddy, my "let's drink Dr. Pepper because I want to feel you kick" buddy, my walking buddy and my work buddy. I never thought I would like to have someone with me at all times, especially someone who responds to the sound of my voice when I talk to her. 


I love her more than I ever thought I could imagine. The greatest part about it though, is I get to love her more each and every day. 

I wouldn't change this for anything.

I love you, Brielle Avery Ryann Beal. 

Also, I missed bump day!
21w5d, yesterday.

I can't see my toes, and I still look hot! 
Even with that ridiculous facial expression...



Lately I've been thinking about all of the things that I've accomplished in my life. 

From the important, but in no particular order:

Graduating High School
Going to College
Participating in Musicals
Holding down a full time job while going to school
Pursing A dream job
Marrying the man of my dreams
Finally being a soon-to-be mommy

To the what seems less important:

Getting 7 hours of sleep each night
Keeping long lasting friendships
Maintaining a healthy weight
Overcoming emotional issues
Eating that Pumpkin Shake from Arctic Circle
Travel to more places outside of Utah

All of these things are so important to me, even the small mundane accomplishments. 
Granted, there are more, but those are the ones that come to mind at the moment. 

Now, I can't help but think that with being 20 weeks pregnant with my sweet little girl, I'll have more milestones that I'm going to go experience in the next 4 months; more moments to share with the people closest to me.

Some of them scare me, a lot. Others, not quite so much. Some of these milestones I've been waiting for and can't imagine them not happening. 

So, here's to a grand new adventure: My last 20 weeks of school, clinic and pregnancy. 



Oh Oh We're Half Way There!

Thank you, Bon Jovi (who is actually on Pandora but an entirely different song), for giving our family an inside joke. 

Yes, ladies and gents, I'm half way there! 19w5d. Alright, not quite 20 weeks, but close enough.
Friday will be the mark for week 20, which is super exciting. 

Brielle Avery is looking great! We had her 20 week anatomy scan today. It was so much fun. 
The Ultra Sound Tech loved her beautiful little heart and her cute little bum. :) 
Everything else looks perfect on her as well! She is measuring a day later than our original date (ED would now be 3/3/12), but that's no big deal. 

I'm doing great too! Thanks for worrying about me... 
I actually haven't gained any weight from my last appointment (Upchucking queued), but Dr. L doesn't really mind since Brielle is looking healthy and happy!

I'm so in love with this little girl. She really is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me, minus Miguel of course. 
I really can't wait to see how the rest of this pregnancy goes. It's been a great one (knock on wood), and I have little to nothing to complain about! 

Okay, since you've seen enough bumpage, especially if you follow me on Instagram, I thought I'd share a few pictures of Brielle's 20w photo shoot! 





Bloggers, I apologize for my lack of posting. I've been overly stressed, emotional and quite tired.

Alas, that is no excuse for not finding sometime to blog, or something to blog about.

While this shouldn't be considered a post, it will have to do until this weekend...after clinic. Yep, we have a lot to catch up on, don't we?

For now, enjoy this photo. I know I needed it, and will use it until this week is over with.