
For The Record...

I changed my hair color again! :)
It's a fall thing... I think?

Eh, it's therapeutic for me to do crazy things with my hair. I'd rather pay $60 ish for a therapy session that includes a beauty makeover instead of upwards of a $150 for a talking session.

But... I love it. M loves is. Pea Pod may have this hair color. Who knows... :)


Keeping Busy

It's true my fellow blog reader(s). I'm keeping busy in this life of mine. It hasn't been too bad lately. I mean I'm not doing too much... am I?

You've probably read before that I work M-F 8:30-5pm and then have school M-TR from 7-10:30pm. 
The job is really laid back. I sit at desk with two, yep count them one two, computer screens and extract data from reliable sources, such as a license roster pdf or even an excel xls sheet, and then I sort it out into a blank csv file on excel. It's pretty simple, and my excel skills have greatly improved. I'm like a mast of excel now. Minus writing macros... *Note to self: LEARN HOW TO WRITE MACROS! 

Anyways, it's a fairly simple task, physically. Mentally? Well, that's a different story. It does get monotonous, and I tend to fall asleep. Woops. No I don't. Psssh. I don't fall asleep, maybe nod off, but never fall asleep. I can't do that when one of my coworkers, bless her heart, blows her nose like an elephant in the middle of the office. *slight shudder, nobody saw that* Thank goodness for Pandora!

Actually, I'm slightly sick of Pandora. Okay the free version in all honesty. When I'm already blessed up top, if you know what I mean, I don't really want to listen to a comercial tell me that all I need to do to have confidence is have bigger boobs. For real. I'm good. Give me something else to buy. And, give me more Rob Thomas to listen to. Thanks. :) 

On another note...
Once a upon a time a boy name Miguel gave a girl named Ambria a ring and they were married. As time went by, their love...gushy.mushy.la.la.la. pffft. Sorry. Back to the story. 

Actually, it's just easier to say it: I'm pregnant. Again. 4 months after the miscarriage we found out we're being blessed with a wee one. 
I wouldn't have posted about it if I wasn't out of the first trimester. :) Yep, everything is going so well this go around. I can't believe it. Honestly, when I looked at all 3 pee sticks Miguel made me take, I just couldn't grasp that I was pregnant again. I was terrified. Excited, of course, more terrified of the situation. I didn't want to miscarry again. There is no way I could handle another one in the same year, 4-6 months after the first one. It would have broken my heart. 

Well, we found out on June 20th that we are expecting and then proceeded from there. Our first appointment was July 13th (Friday the 13th!). It included an ultra sound where we found our pea pod looking super healthy and only a little over 6 inches long. Yay!
Oh it gets better. 
Our second appointment wasn't too long ago, just on the 15th of August. That's when we met our actual OB, Kathy Langer, and we heard the heart beat. It was the most exciting exhilarating moment in my life. Okay, one of the most exciting exhilarating moments in my life. And, the baby was measuring 12 inches before 12 weeks. 

I'm on my way to week 13th this Friday, and I couldn't be happier. Okay, I could do without the vomiting, dizziness, fatigue and lack of sleep, but I'm happy! 



Going On A Jet Plane

Well, it's more like a commercial airplane, but you get the idea.

Tomorrow at 9:10 I will be leaving my home to adventure to my in-laws' home in the great green state of Oregon!

(It's only fitting that Jet Airliner by The Steve Miller Band has currently come on my Pandora playlist. Go Classic Rock!)

For this trip we have quite a bit planned. I finally get to meet my big brother-in-law, Logan, who has been missing the entire time M and I have been dating/engaged/married/cuffed/ballandchained. Mae found Logan at the airport after 2 years of preaching and teaching in the land of Mozambique.

Family pictures will also happen, along with a big open house. Woot.
Best part about the whole thing will be the food. Mae makes the best food. I looooove eating at her house. Oh, and Pai's Oreos. If he's willing to share 1 or maybe 5. Hey, I don't have to run it off. I'm saving my curvy curves for a better purpose. A purpose I will talk about after I return from the great green state of Oregon.

A long reprieve from work and school. Hallelujah!

This is exactly what I've needed. :)